First Trainer is the perfect exam preparation companion for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE), also known as First Certificate in English. It combines exam practice with easy-to-follow expert guidance, and exam tips designed to guarantee exam success.

Correct these sentences written by First candidates.
1 To save one dollar a day I gave up to have a coffee in my break time.
2 That is all for now. Don't forget writing soon!
3 We stopped to place orders with your company because deliveries were too often delayed.
4 I'm very glad hearing from you, I really miss you.
5 I will carry on to use my bicycle whenever it is possible.
6 There is no point to open a store in a village when most of the population are working in town during the opening hours.
7 My best friend and I plan seeing a film at the cinema this evening.
8 She suggested to light a fire so we could burn the documents.
9 I regret telling you that we will be forced to put this matter in the hands of our solicitors.
10 I remembered to have seen the escalator on my left when I first went into my room at the hotel.
Some linking expressions are used at the beginning of a sentence, but some are not. Circle the correct words in italics.
1 In the city there are more places to go. Also / Too, they stay open later.
2 Working in a coal mine is a hard job. Furthermore / As well, it can be dangerous.
3 Travelling by train is more relaxing than driving. It is better for the environment, besides / too.
4 You have to find somewhere to play. As well / As well as that, you need to buy all the sports equipment.
5 In winter, the nights are much longer. Too / In addition, it is a lot colder then.
6 Making your own furniture is an enjoyable hobby. It saves money, as well / in addition.
Training and.
Exam practice.
Test 1.
Test 2.
Practice Tests.
Test 3.
Test 4.
Test 5.
Test 6.
Answer key and transcripts.
Answer sheets.
Speaking appendix.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: May
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