Legal English, How to Understand and Master the Language of Law, McKay W.R., Charlton H.E., 2005.
In this way this publication offers the reader stimulating and enjoyable instruction designed to progressively enhance relevant and meaningful communication skills in oral and written legal English. Such a task based approach enables the reader to optimise academic and professional effectiveness, offering a valuable source for academic and professional development. Legal English provides the opportunity to build on language skills in a professional context through familiarisation with realistic legal scenarios and materials prepared by a qualified lawyer. The exercises are suited to both self-study and group study in a classroom.

Company law.
A company is regarded in law as being a separate legal 'person', with a separate legal personality. This means that it has rights separate from its owners and managers to enter into contracts, employ people, own property and conduct business. The creation and management of a company is governed by the Companies Act 1985 (CA '85) and the Companies Act 1989.
By far the largest number of incorporated companies are incorporated with limited liability, being limited by shares as defined by section l(2)(a) СA '85. The potential financial liability of a member (in other words shareholder) in such a company is limited to the amount, if any, remaining unpaid on the shares held by that particular member. Such a company is known as a limited company and will have the word 'Limited' at the end of its name.
Part 1 Business law and practice.
1. Company formation.
2. Board meetings.
3. Shareholders' meetings.
4. Boardroom battle!.
5. Marketing agreements.
Part 2 Civil litigation.
6. Injunctions.
7. Breach of contract claim.
8. Road traffic accident!.
9. Trial.
10. Employment law.
Part 3 Law bulletin.
11. Law bulletin.
Appendix 1: Study and research guide.
Appendix 2: Glossary.
Appendix 3: Answer key.
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