A Short Course in American Literature, учебное пособие, Федорюк А.В., 2020

A Short Course in American Literature, учебное пособие, Федорюк А.В., 2020.

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов очной формы обучения направления 44.03.05 «Педагогическое образование (с двумя профилями подготовки)» и заочной формы обучения направления 44.03.01 «Педагогическое образование». Пособие, охватывающее жизнь и творчество наиболее значительных американских писателей, знакомит читателей с основными периодами и направлениями американской литературы.
Пособие содержит биографические сведения об авторах, анализ их творчества и отрывки из произведений.
Пособие может быть рекомендовано для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы.

A Short Course in American Literature, учебное пособие, Федорюк А.В., 2020

Benjamin Franklin. Biography (1706—1790).

Benjamin Franklin was the first greatest American Enlightener. He was a figure of Universal dimensions, being a printer, writer, philosopher, scientist, economist and statesman. As one of the leaders of the Revolution, he participated in the most important events of his time.
Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston. He was the youngest of seventeen children in the family of a poor English immigrant. He attended school only for one year and educated himself by reading (he learnt reading and writing very' early). When he settled in Philadelphia, he started his own printing business. A year later Franklin decided to sail to Britain to master the British technique of printing. On his return to America Franklin organized a literary' and philosophic society, where young people met to read and discuss contemporary literature. The works of Swift and Defoe, and articles by Steele and Addison, all made a deep impression on the American youth.


Unit 1. The Colonial Period in American Literature
Unit 2. Romanticism in American Literature
Unit 3. The Realistic Period in American Literature
Unit 4. The Naturalistic Period in American Literature
Unit 5. The Modernist Period in American Literature. The Jazz Age
Unit 6. The Modernist Period in American Literalure.The Lost Generation
Unit 7. The Postmodernist Period in American Litersture. Contemporary Literature
Библиографический список

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