Idioms and Phrasal Verbs forms part of the Oxford Word Skills vocabulary series. It is a series of two books for students to learn, practise, and revise everyday English idioms and phrasal verbs.
Each book contains 60 units of vocabulary presentation and practice. Units are one or two pages long, depending on the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable quantities for learners, with practice exercises following immediately, usually on the same page. The units are grouped together thematically in modules of rive to nine units. At the end of each module there are further practice exercises in the review units, so that learners can revise and test themselves on the vocabulary learned.

The grammar of phrasal verbs.
It is missing in some of these sentences. Where does it go?
If you don't know the meaning, look up in the dictionary,
1 Someone has stolen our cat. and the police are looking into at the moment.
2 It wasn't a true story; I’m sure he just made up.
3 They said they'd be here early, but they didn't show up till 9.00.
4 Can I ask you about your cat? Who looks after when you go on holiday?
5 I don t know what MP3 stands for. Do you?
6 I hadn't seen the website before; l came across yesterday on the Internet
7 If you try on and it's too big, you could always give it to me.
8 The train was delayed but it finally came in at midday.
Rewrite the sentences using a phrasal verb from page 14. The meaning must stay the same.
I found the information by chance on the Internet.
1 She wasn't happy, but now things are getting better.
2 The committee investigated the cause of the problem.
3 I didn't know the answer, so I invented something.
4 The train's arriving on platform five.
5 We can reduce the electricity we use.
6 What do the letters FAQ represent?
7 I had to check the meaning in a dictionary.
8 Our meeting was at 5.00, but Sue never arrived.
Introduction to idioms and phrasal verbs.
1 What are idioms?.
2 Types of idiom.
3 Finding idioms in a dictionary.
4 The grammar of phrasal verbs.
5 Core meanings 1.
6 Core meanings 2.
1 Different meanings of phrasal verbs.
Thinking, learning, and knowledge.
8 I can follow classroom language.
9 I can talk about learning.
10 I can talk about exams.
11 I can talk about ability and progress.
12 I can talk about thought processes.
13 I can talk about knowledge and skills.
Communicating with people.
14 I can talk about getting in touch.
15 I can describe ways of saying things.
16 I can talk about phoning.
17 I can use short spoken phrases.
18 I can use phrases with say, tell, and see.
19 I can use common spoken responses.
20 I can understand and leave messages.
21 I can say what I think.
22 I can talk about jokes that go wrong.
People and relationships.
23 I can describe actions.
24 I can talk about my family.
25 I can talk about different generations.
26 I can talk about neighbours.
27 I can describe my feelings.
28 I can describe romantic relationships.
29 I can describe annoying habits.
30 I can talk about astrology.
Everyday topics.
31 I can describe the weather.
32 I can talk about sleep.
33 I can talk about spending and saving.
34 I can talk about diets and cooking.
35 I can understand crime reporting.
36 I can talk about work experience.
37 I can describe a small business.
38 I can talk about shopping.
Out and about.
39 I can describe social activities.
40 I can describe outdoor activities.
41 I can talk about holidays.
42 I can talk about team sports.
43 I can talk about situations on the road.
44 I can say what I want or need.
45 I can discuss plans and arrangements.
46 I can talk about likes and interests.
47 I can describe damage and repair.
48 I can say how things begin and end.
49 I can talk about time.
50 I can talk about numbers.
51 I can talk about problems and solutions.
52 I can give advice.
S3 I can use link phrases.
54 I can use fixed phrases with two key words.
55 I can use prepositional phrases.
56 I can use phrasal verbs as commands.
57 I can use verb based idioms.
58 I can use key verbs: get.
59 I can use key verbs: take and look.
60 I can use key verbs: come and go.
Idioms - some interesting histories.
Answer key.
Answer key to review units.
List of spotlight boxes.
Word list/lndex.
Key words.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Gairns :: Redman
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