French All-in-One For Dummies, Kurbegov E., Schmidt D.-K., Williams M.M., Wenzel D., Erotopoulos Z., Lawless L.K., 2012.
Whether you're studying French in school, traveling to francophone (French-speaking) regions on business, or just exploring a different culture, learning the language has many advantages. Whatever your reason for wanting to pick up some French, French All-in-One For Dummies can help. This book is a broad guide to acquiring French as a second (or third or fourth) language, covering topics ranging from vocabulary and pronunciation to grammar, sentence construction, and culture. The back of the book is straight reference, offering mini French-English dictionaries and extensive tables that show verbs conjugated in various tenses and moods. And to bring the real world into your living room (or car or wherever), this book comes with audio dialogues complete with translations and pronunciation guides. We even provide a Fun & Games section in the book so you can take a break from instruction by applying and testing your skills in a fun way. So whether you choose to express yourself with some key words and phrases or to challenge yourself by becoming familiar with more complex rules of usage, it's all up to you. Laissez les bons temps rouler ! (leh-sey ley bohN tahN rooh-ley!) (Let the good times roll!)

Starting with What You Already Know.
With just a narrow stretch of water between them, the people of England and France have historically been very close, even if they weren't always the friendly allies they are today. In fact, French was the language of the English court for a very long time. The Normans who invaded England in 1066 with William the Conqueror were French, as were some of the most prominent people in English history. French became the language of the nobility after William took the English throne and didn't lose its prestige until the Hundred Years' War in the 14th and 15th centuries. What does this have to do with your learning French? Well, today, about 35 percent of English vocabulary is of French origin, so you already know an impressive amount of French, whether you realize it or not. The only pitfall is that English words sometimes have different meanings from their French counterparts and almost certainly have different pronunciations.
Table of Contents.
Book I: Speaking in Everyday Settings
Book II: Exploring and Wandering About
Book III: Building the Grammatical Foundation for Communication
Book IV: Getting Down to Detail and Precision in Your Communication
Book V: Going Back in Time
Book VI: Appendixes
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Теги: Kurbegov :: Schmidt :: Williams :: Wenzel :: Erotopoulos :: Lawless :: 2012 :: французский язык
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