Focus on essential exam practice with the Exam Booster for Advanced. Maximise potential with dedicated exam task practice for class or home study. Use with or without a coursebook to develop a deeper understanding or the exam and boost test takers’ confidence.

Knowing the score.
William Skidelsky reviews David Papineau’s new book, in which sport meets philosophy.
David Papineau is an eminent philosopher and a passionate lover of sport. For much of his life, he has kept the two spheres separate, fearing that to mix them would produce a double negative in his readers’ appreciation of his work: philosophy robbed of its seriousness and sport of its excitement. Then, in 2012, a colleague invited him to contribute to a lecture series titled 'Philosophy and Sport’, organised to coincide with that year's Olympics. ‘I couldn't really refuse', Papineau recalls. ‘I had an extensive knowledge of both philosophy and sport. If I wasn’t going to say yes, who would?’
For his topic, he chose the role of conscious thought in fast-reaction sports, such as tennis, cricket and baseball. How, he wondered, do top tennis players like Rafael Nadal and Serena Williams use anything other than ‘automatic reflexes’ in the half-second (or less) they have to return their opponent’s serve? How do they choose to hit the ball this way or that, to apply topspin or slice? Thinking about this not only proved 'great fun’, but allowed Papineau to come away with a series of 'substantial philosophical conclusions’ about the relationship between intentions and action.
Map of the book.
Reading and Use of English Part 1.
Reading and Use of English Part 2.
Reading and Use of English Part 3.
Reading and Use of English Part 4.
Reading and Use of English Part 5.
Reading and Use of English Part 6.
Reading and Use of English Part 7.
Reading and Use of English Part 8.
Writing Part 1.
Writing Part 2.
Listening Part 1.
Listening Part 2.
Listening Part 3.
Listening Part 4.
Speaking Part 1.
Speaking Part 2.
Speaking Parts 3 and 4.
Think about it.
Answer key.
Think about it.
Answer key.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Allsop :: Little :: Robinson
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