505 Business Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Whitmell C., 2015

505 Business Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Whitmell C., 2015.

   Read the business news, or take part in a business conversation, and you'll come across lots of expressions and idioms that make the subject more vivid and descriptive.
This ebook contains 505 essential business idioms and phrasal verbs in current use, listed in alphabetical order. They're also indexed into different themes at the end, so you can see others in the same category.

505 Business Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Whitmell C., 2015

Business Idioms A - Z.
bout time (too) = to finally do something
"They've finally appointed a new chairman, and it's about time too."

bove board = legal
"The tax loophole is all above board."

cross the board = including everyone or everything
"The pay increases will be applied across the board."

ll in a day's work = a task that falls into normal daily work routines
"Dealing with emergencies is all in a day's work."

all) par for the course = normal, to be expected
"Delays of up to six months are par for the course."

Title Page.
Business Idioms A - Z.
Idioms by type.
Economic and regulatory idioms.
Money / pay / financing idioms.
Working style and practices.
Business operations.
Communication / leadership / management styles / decision making.
Types of business / business people.
More English books.

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