Фрагмент из книги:
Once upon a time there was a boy named Lu Pan who lived with his carpenter father in a village called Lu Family’s Bay. When his father was working, Lu Pan liked to help him and see how he used his saws, chisels, and planes to make pieces of furniture.
By the time Lu Pan was ten, he was able to handle all the different carpenter’s tools. When his father made stools and cupboards, Lu Pan made little ones.
Once -when the boy saw his mother sitting on a floor mat doing her sewing, he made a small chair for her.

Stop One.
The long June twilight faded into night. Dublin lay enveloped in darkness. Here and there through the city, machine guns-and rifles broke the silence of the right, like dogs barking On lone farms. Republicans and Free Staters were waging civil war.
On a roof top near O’Connell Bridge, a Republican sniper lay watching. Beside him lay his rifle and over his shoulders were slung a pair of field glasses. His face was the face of a student, thin and ascetic, but his eyes had the cold gleam of the fanatic. They were deep and thoughtful, the eyes of a man who is used to looking at death.
He was eating a sandwich hungrily. He had eaten nothing since morning. He finished the sandwich, and, taking a flask of whiskey from his pocket, he took a short draught. Then he returned the flask to his pocket. He paused for a moment, considering whether he should risk a smoke. It was dangerous. The flash might be seen in the darkness, and there were enemies watching. He decided to take the risk.
The Ant and the Grain of Wheat.
A Name for a Kitten.
Lu Pan.
Stop One.
Stop Two.
The Cat, the Tiger and the Man.
The Sniper.
Stop One.
Stop TWO.
Stop Three.
The Singing Tortoise.
Stop One.
Stop Two.
Stop Three.
Ivan and the Seal Skin.
Stop One.
Stop Two.
Stop Three.
The Nightingale.
Stop One.
Stop Two.
Why do Spiders Spin Webs?.
The Three Wishes (an old English fairy tale).
What Made the-Little Dog Expire?.
The Pulse of-the Princess.
A Strange Robbery.
The Last Leaf.
The King’s Nightingale.
Rosamund and the Magic Fish.
Escape from the Jungle.
A True Story.
The Snow Goose.
The Tiger in the Teapot.
Why do the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky?.
The Monkeys and the Reeds by Alfred Stole.
The Clever Dog by Valery Carrick.
The Eggs.
The Sound is Yours by Barbara Walker.
A Kingdom Lost for a Drop of Honey.
The Lad and the Fox.
Fm the One and Not Me.
It’s Perfectly True!.
Additional Stories.
Story One.
Story Two.
Story Three.
Millicent’s Plight.
To Well.
How I Left School.
The War-Path of the Doones.
The Death of My Father.
How the Doones Came to Bagworthy.
A Hard Climb.
How I Met Loma Doone.
Tom and His Horse, Winnie.
My Uncle Reuben.
We Visit the Country Judge.
Another Visit to Loma.
Loma’s Story.
Jeremy Stickles.
My Visit to London.
Home Again.
Uncle Reuben Again.
The Question.
Carver’s House.
Through the.Doone Gate.
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Скачать книгу Английский язык, Книга для чтения, 7 класс, Аяпова Т.Т., Абильдаева З.С., Тутбаева Ж.А., 2003 - fileskachat.com, быстрое и бесплатное скачивание.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Аяпова :: Абильдаева :: Тутбаева :: 7 класс
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