В хрестоматии представлены тексты на английском языке по тематике фототворчества. Рекомендуется студентам, изучающим фотографию, а также для повышения профессиональной квалификации фотографов.

Uses of photography.
Photography has gained the interest of many scientists and artists from its inception. Scientists have used photography to record and study movements,
such as Eadweard Muybridge's study of human and animal locomotion (1887). Artists are equally interested by these aspects but also try to explore avenues other than the photo-mechanical representation of reality, such as the pictorial-ist movement. Military, police and security forces use photography for surveillance, recognition and data storage. Photography is used to preserve memories and as a source of entertainment.
By the last quarter of the 19th century, photographers around the world had supplied ample proof of the camera's unique ability to record people and places. At the same time, there were others who were taking pictures for a different purpose. Convinced that the camera could be used to go beyond simply recording what was in front of the lens, these photographers, both amateur and professional, were determined to produce images of artistic merit. Believing that photographs could be every' bit as beautiful and intriguing as paintings, they pursued a simply stated goal. Their aim was to convince art critics, other photographers, and the general public that photography should be regarded as a legitimate form of art.
I. Photography.
Uses of photography.
II. History of Photography.
The rise of the portrait.
Commanding the medium (1860-90).
The birth of color.
Expanding horizons (1890-1920).
Illustrated newspapers.
Projecting the image.
Cameras for the masses.
Improving color.
The power of the image.
Awareness and vision (1920-50).
A revolution in equipment.
Photography and propaganda.
New camera designs.
Artistic development.
Innovations and rebellions (1950-70).
Family of Man exhibition.
The era of the photojournalist.
Reaching into the dark.
New frontiers.
Fashion photography.
The Vietnam War Divergences (1970-90).
Divergences (1970-90).
New color photography.
The growth of celebrity.
Advertising sophistication.
Changing face of portraiture.
Dispersions and digital era (1990 - now).
The digital revolution.
Online access.
New color photojournalism.
Probing deepest space.
Press photography.
Diversities of image.
III. Photography types and styles.
Colour photography.
Digital photography.
Convenience and Flexibility.
Commercial photography.
Professional organizations.
Fashion photography.
Still life.
IV. Photographic image-forming devices.
Camera obscura.
Video camera.
Major components.
Shutter (photography).
Camera shutters.
Shutter lag.
Photographic film.
Film basics.
Film speed.
History of film.
Special films.
Exposure (photography).
Camera lucida.
V. How to Become a Professional Photographer.
How to Photograph Weddings.
How to Sell Photos.
How to Shoot Slide Film Nature Photography.
How to Take Better Photos with the Equipment You Have.
How to Be Photogenic.
How to Get Better Travel and Vacation Photos.
How to Make a Panography.
How to Avoid Your Photo Being a Dark.
How to Make a Movie.
How to Photograph a Dragonfly.
How to Choose a Camera.
VI. Gallery of Photographers.
Ansel Adams (1902-1984).
Eve Arnold (1913—).
Margaret Bourke-White (1904-1981).
Julia Margaret Cameron (1815-1879).
Alfred Eisenstaedt (1898-1995).
Elliott Erwitt (1928-).
Annie Leibovitz (1947-).
Leo Mason (1952-).
Don McCullin (193 5-).
Steve McCurry (1950-).
Susan Meiselas (1948-).
Alexandr Rodchenko (Russian 1891-1956).
Alfred Stieglitz (1864-1946).
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Щербинин :: Трифонова
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