Лингвостилистический анализ текста, Гапеева О.М., 2020

Лингвостилистический анализ текста, Гапеева О.М., 2020.

   В пособии рассматриваются основы лингвостилистического анализа текстов публицистического и научного стилей. Каждый из шести разделов содержит теоретическую и практическую части. Также представлены разделы с итоговыми тестами и дополнительными текстами, которые могут быть использованы как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы.
Адресуется студентам специальности 1-02 03 08 «Иностранный язык (английский)», а также всем, кто интересуется вопросами стилистики текста.

Лингвостилистический анализ текста, Гапеева О.М., 2020

Language Register.
The language register determines the vocabulary, structure, and some grammar in your writing. The three most common language registers in writing are:
• Neutral
• Formal
• Informal

Neutral style is characterized by the absence of stylistic coloring and by the possibility of being used in any communicative situation.
Formal (bookish, non-casual) style embraces scientific/academic. official, publicistic (newspaper), oratorical, and poetic styles.

Formal English uses more complex vocabulary than everyday speech. For example, it uses many “bigger” words that aren’t normally used in conversation. Examples are multi-syllabic words such as compensate, ascend and interrogate. It also prefers one-part verbs (e.g., establish) instead of simpler, phrasal verbs (e.g., set up). Slang and colloquial vocabulary are avoided. When formal English is used in writing, sentences tend to be long and complex, and grammar rules are followed strictly. It tends to be impersonal (or neutral), often using impersonal pronouns like it and passive verbs. Contracted and abbreviated forms of words are usually avoided.

UNIT 1. Functional Styles and Their Peculiarities.
UNIT 2. Language Registers and Bias-free Language.
2.1. Language Registers.
2.2. Bias-free Language.
UNIT 3. Brief Outline of Some Stylistic Devices and SQR4.
3.1. Stylistic Devices.
3.2. SQR4.
UNIT 4. Publicistic Style: Essays.
4.1. Narrative Essay.
4.2. Descriptive Essay.
4.3. Expository Essay.
4.4. Argumentative Essay.
UNIT 5. Publicistic Style: Journalism (The Press).
5.1. Editorial.
5.2. Feature Article.
UNIT 6. Scientific (Academic) Style.
6.1. Scientific Proper Writing.
6.2. Popular Scientific Writing.
UNIT 7. Analysis Template.
UNIT 8. Tests and Crosswords.
UNIT 9. Texts for Analysis.

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