Любимые английские сказки, my Favourite English Fairy Tales, Дмитриева К.Г., Савченко К.С., 2019.
III. Princess of Canterbury.
There lived formerly in the County of Cumberland a nobleman who had three sons, two of whom were clever, but the third one a natural fool, named Jack, who was a shepherd. The King of Canterbury had a beautiful daughter, who was also very clever. The King proclaimed that whoever should answer three questions put to him by the princess should marry her, and take the crown when her father dies. Soon news of it reached the ears of the nobleman's sons, and the two clever ones desided to have a trial. They didn't want their idiot brother to go with them, but they could not get rid of him. They had not gone far, before Jack shrieked with laughter, saying 'I've found an egg.' 'Put it in your pocket,' said the brothers. A little while afterwards, again he laughted because he found a crooked hazel stick, which he also put in his pocket; and a third time he again laughed because he found a nut. That also was put with his other treasures.

VII. The Hobyahs.
Once there was an old man and woman and a little girl, and they all lived in a house made of hempstalks. Now the old man had a little dog named Turpie and one night the Hobyahs came and said, 'Hobyah! Hobyah! Hobyah! Tear down the hempstalks, eat up the old man and woman, and carry off the little girl!' But little dog Turpie barked so that the Hobyahs ran off; and the old man said, 'Little dog Turpie barks so that I cannot sleep nor slumber, and if I live till morning I will cut off his tail.' So in the morning the old man cut off little dog Turpie's tail. The next night the Hobyahs came again, and said, 'Hobyah! Hobyah! Hobyah! Tear down the hempstalks, eat up the old man and woman, and cam' off the little girl!' But little dog Turpie barked so that the Hobyahs ran off; and the old man said, 'Little dog Turpie barks so that I cannot sleep nor slumber, and if I live till morning I will cut off one of his legs.' So in the morning the old man cut off one of little dog Turpie's legs.
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