Лучшие английские сказки, best English Fairy Tales, Лебедева Е.А., Рябов В., 2016

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Лучшие английские сказки, best English Fairy Tales, Лебедева Е.А., Рябов В., 2016.

The Three Wishes.

Once upon a time a woodcutter lived happily with his wife in a pretty little log cabin in the middle of a thick forest. Each morning he set off singing to work, and when he came home in the evening, a plate of hot steaming soup was always waiting for him. One day he had a strange surprise. He came upon a big fir tree with strange open holes on the trunk. It looked somehow different from the other trees, and as he was about to chop it down, the alarmed face of an elf popped out of a hole. 'What's all this banging?' asked the elf. 'You're not thinking of cutting down the tree, are you? It's my home. I live here!' The woodcutter dropped his axe in astonishment. 'Well, I...' he stammered. 'With all the other trees there are in this forest, you have to pick this one. Lucky I was in, or I would have found myself homeless.' Taken aback at these words, the woodcutter quickly recovered, for after all the elf was quite tiny, while he himself was a big hefty chap, and he boldly replied, 'I'll cut down any tree I like, so...' 'All right! All right!' broke in the elf. 'Shall we put it in this way: if you don't cut down this tree, I grant you three wishes. Agreed?' The woodcutter scratched his head. 'Three wishes, you say? Yes, I agree.' And he began to hack at another tree.

Лучшие английские сказки, best English Fairy Tales, Лебедева Е.А., Рябов В., 2016

The Sly Fox and the Little Red Hen.

Once there was a little red hen. She lived in a little red henhouse, safe and sound, with a little blue door and windows all around. She was a happy hen. Every day she searched for grain with a peck, peck, peck and a cluck, cluck, cluck. But then a sly young fox and his mother moved into a nearby den. The sly fox was always hungry. He licked his lips when he grain with a peck, peck, peck and a cluck, cluck, cluck. And then the sly fox tried to catch the little red hen. He plotted and planned, again and again. But the little red hen was clever. She always got away, with a peck, peck, peck and a cluck, cluck, cluck. But then the sly fox thought up a very sly plan. 'Mother, boil some water in a pan,' he said. Til bring home supper tonight.' Then he crept over to the little red henhouse. And he waited until at last the little red hen came out to search for grain with a peck, peck, peck and a cluck, cluck, cluck. Quick as a flash, the sly fox slipped into the henhouse. And he waited until the little red hen came hurrying home. As soon as she saw the fox, she flew up to the rafters. 'You can't catch me now!' she laughed, with a peck, peck, peck and a cluck, cluck, cluck. 'All part of my plan/ smiled the fox on the ground. And slowly he started to chase his tail, round and round and round and round, faster and faster... until the little red hen up in the rafters grew dizzy. 'Oh!' she clucked. 'My poor head's spinning. I'm all in a tizzy.'

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