Cambridge English, Compact first, Student’s book, with answers, May P., 2015

Cambridge English, Compact first, second edition, student's book, with answers, May P., 2015.

Compact First is a short but intensive final preparation course for students planning to take the Cambridge English: First exam, also known as First Certificate of English (FCE). The course provides B2-level students with thorough preparation and practice of the grammar, vocabulary, language skills, topics and exam skills needed for success in all four papers of the exam: Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking. The course can be used by classes of any age, but it is particularly suitable for students over 17.

Cambridge English, Compact first, second edition, student's book, with answers, May P., 2015

Different lives.

A University student Jake Harris is in his first year. 'Assuming I don't oversleep, which con happen, I'm out of bed by 7.45. If there's time, I have some tea and toast, then set off. I used to aim for the 8.25 train, but I kept missing it so nowadays I do the uphill walk into town, which wakes me up and enables me to plan what I'm going to do in the morning and afternoon. From nine till one it's lessons and a group activity, with a quick break at eleven to grab something to keep me going till lunch. The afternoon is similar to the morning, really. After that I sometimes head for the gym, but not as often as I should. Once I get home I work for a few hours and later - if I'm not feeling too exhausted – I go out with friends. I've met some fascinating people here!'

B For Assistant Sales Manager Julia Anderson, each day begins at 6.30 a.m. with a quick shower, a few minutes to get ready, and then a dash to the station to catch the 7.15 into Manhattan. By eight o'clock she's at her workstation. 'I need to be there then, before the salespeople start arriving. I spend the rest of the morning in meetings and dealing with client queries, which for me is one of the most interesting, challenging and worthwhile aspects of the job. Then it's out for a quick lunch - my first meal of the day - and back to work at 1 p.m., followed by more of the same up to 5 p.m. That's how things are here: you have to keep to a tight schedule. At first, I found working here pretty stressful, but I'm used to it now and it doesn't bother me.'

C Website Designer Oliver McShane works at home and, unsurprisingly, is a late riser: 'rolling out of bed' as he puts it, 'at 9 a.m.' Switching on his laptop, his first task is to answer any early-morning emails, and then he carries on from where he left off the previous evening. If I have a creative peak,' he says, 'that's when it is, and it takes me a while to get going again the next day. Whenever I've stayed up working very late, I woke up for it by having a 20-minute lie-down after lunch. Then, when I wake up, I feel refreshed and ready for another long working session. Occasionally I pack my laptop and sit in a cafe for a while, although I can get distracted from work if I run into someone I know.

D Anita Ramos is a Tourist Guide who works mornings and evenings. 'It's just too hot to walk around the city in the afternoon/ she says, 'so I spend it at home. It's the custom here to have a sleep after lunch, but I haven't got time for that. In any case, I'm not tired then because I don't get up particularly early. When I do, I usually skip breakfast, though sometimes I have cereal or something. Then it's off to the office before heading downtown to wherever I'm meeting the first group. I take four or five groups out before lunch and I'm supposed to finish around 2 p.m., though there always seems to be someone in the last group who asks lots of questions, which can be a bit irritating if I end up doing unpaid overtime. It also means I risk missing the 2.15 train home.


Map of the units.
Exam overview.
1 Yourself and others.
2 Eating and meeting.
3 Getting away from it all.
4 Taking time out.
5 Learning and earning.
6 Getting better.
7 Green issues.
8 Sci & tech.
9 Fame and the media.
10 Clothing and shopping.
Writing guide Listening guide Speaking guide.
Visual materials.
Grammar reference.
Answer key.
Writing guide answer key.

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