Compact First is a short but intensive final preparation course for students planning to take the Cambridge English: First exam, also known as First Certificate of English (FCE). The course provides B2-level students with thorough preparation and practice of the grammar, vocabulary, language skills, topics and exam skills needed for success in all four papers of the exam: Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking. The course can be used by classes of any age, but it is particularly suitable for students over 17.

Character adjectives.
Point out that this is a light-hearted activity with no 'right` or 'wrong' answers - or 'key' purporting to analyse their personality. Give students a couple of minutes each to answer.
These adjectives are all B2 level as shown by English Profile. Encourage the use of dictionaries if students have any difficulties, then check that everyone has the right answers. They then compare their impressions of each other using some of the adjectives. Advise students to be careful not to upset their partners, avoiding answers such as always bossy, even if it's true! Monitor pairs to make sure that they do so, and to avoid possible embarrassment don't elicit answers when everyone has finished. Finally, students use modals such as could, might and may to speculate about the character of the people in the photos. Elicit some answers, and point out that the language used in this activity is useful practice for Writing later in this unit.
Map of the units.
1 Yourself and others.
2 Eating and meeting.
3 Getting away from it all.
4 Taking time out.
5 Learning and earning.
6 Getting better.
7 Green issues.
8 Sci & tech.
9 Fame and the media.
10 Clothing and shopping.
Writing guide answer key.
Workbook answer key.
Progress tests.
Progress tests answer key.
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Дата публикации:
Теги: cambridge :: english :: compact :: May :: 2014
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