Wider World 4, Teacher's Resources, Fricker R., 2017.
Wider World is the portal to a fascinating world of English language knowledge and skills for the 21st century learner. The combination of authentic and engaging videos from the BBC with Pearson’s ELT expertise gives teenage learners everything they need to achieve their goals in the wider world.

Answer the questions.
1 What time is it at the start of the video?
2 What does Nina pick up with her notebook?
3 What colour is her phone?
4 Which shoe does she put on first – left or right?
5 What does she remember just before she opens her door?
6 What is the speed limit on the road where the first bus stop is?
7 What number bus does she want to catch?
8 Who speaks to Nina first – Skye or Jay?
9 Who gets on the bus first?
10 Who gets off the bus first?
Who does what? Write J (Jay), D (Dan), S (Skye) or T (Tommo).
1 is introducing the show.
2 has been practising.
3 can’t find the other hat.
4 is talking on a phone in the changing room.
5 is back on stage in a minute.
6 isn’t there yet.
7 doesn’t want to go on stage.
8 feels really nervous.
9 suggests forgetting about everyone else.
10 comes on to the stage, but not on foot.
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