Thanks and acknowledgements.
For this third edition, I would particularly like to thank Julie Moore for her detailed and insightful comments on the manuscript while in preparation. At Cambridge University Press, I would like to thank the editorial team under Noirin Burke, and especially Tracy Griffin for her tireless work in editing a long and complex manuscript, Alyson Maskell for her editorial work and support, and Emily Hird for her overall supervision of the project and for carefully steering the book from its early stages through to production. Finally, I would like to thank Andy George and Jeanette Alfoldi in production, Lucy Fox for photo research, and Marcus Fletcher for proofreading.

Expanding* your vocabulary.
• When you learn a word, e.g. dirty\ think of synonyms (syn) [words with a similar meaning] or opposites (opp) in your language. Look them up in a bilingual dictionary to find the English words, then look up the English words in an English dictionary to check the meaning. From this, you will find that the opposite of dirty is скащ and you may also find filthy [very dirtyj. * making something bigger
Thanks and acknowledgements.
The world around us.
Daily life.
Education and study.
Work and business.
Leisure and entertainment.
Communication and technology.
Social issues.
Functional language.
Word formation.
Phrase building.
Key verbs.
Words and grammar.
Connecting and linking.
Style and register.
Answer key.
Phonemic symbols.
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Теги: Redman :: 2011 :: английский язык
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