Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2011

Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2011.

   Each book contains 60 units of vocabulary presentation and practice. Units are one or two pages long, depending on the topic. New vocabulary is presented in manageable quantities for learners, with practice exercises following immediately, usually on the same page. The units are grouped together thematically in modules of five to nine units. At the end of each module there are further practice exercises in the review units, so that learners can revise and test themselves on the vocabulary learned.

Idioms and Phrasal Verbs, Intermediate, Gairns R., Redman S., 2011

Finding idioms in a dictionary.
Where are idioms explained?
Dictionaries don’t always enter idioms in the same place, or in the same way. Read the introduction to your dictionary to discover where to find idioms.

In the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, idioms are explained after the symbol IDM. For example, the idiom in vain is in the IDM section after the main meanings of the word vain.

If there is more than one idiom, they are listed in alphabetical order (not including grammatical words such as a, the, sb/sth, his, her, etc.). So, with idioms listed at the word way, you will find all the way before by the way (a before b).

Introduction to idioms and phrasal verbs.
Thinking, learning, and knowledge.
Communicating with people.
People and relationships.
Everyday topics.
Out and about.
Idioms - some interesting histories.
Answer key.
Answer key to review units.
List of spotlight boxes.
Word list/index.
Key words.

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