Учебник рассчитан на школьников 9—12 лет, продолжающих изучать английский язык после освоения пособия «English for children» и носит практическую направленность на развитие устной разговорной речи, широко употребляемой в США и других странах. В разработке данного курса принимали участие методисты московских спецшкол и специалисты Гарвардского и Стэнфордского университетов.

Urashima and the Turtle.
There was once a young fisherman, the son of sons of fishermen. He loved the sea, the crash of the waves and the shifting tides. He lived at the shore. He loved to watch the sea by night and by day, winter and summer, stormy and fair.
His name was Urashima. At dawn he went out in his boat. He came home again at dusk. Sometimes the fishing was good, sometimes it was poor. If he
had had his way he would never have kept the fish he caught. He’d have thrown them back in the water to live, for he thought the fish were beautiful. Their skins flashed silver. They were delicately made, and strong.
Late one afternoon Urashima felt a tug at his line. He reeled in. He expected to see the shimmer of a sea bass. Instead he saw a turtle.
Urashima smiled, and threw the turtle back in the water. «I’d sooner go hungry tonight than kill a young turtle,» he said. Turtles live long, long lives, and this one was young.
UNIT 1. There is no Season Like Summer.
UNIT 2. The World Around ns is Wonderful. Take Care of it.
UNIT 3. There is a Lot to Learn at School.
UNIT 4. We Are Fond of Books.
UNIT 5. We Have Many Hobbies.
UNIT 6. Good Manners are the Beginning of Good Discipline.
UNIT 7. We Play Sports and Games.
UNIT 8. English-Speaking Countries.
UNIT 9. Travelling.
The Story of Creation.
The Seven Crow Princes.
The Wild Swans.
Beauty and the Beast.
Urashima and the Turtle.
Sleeping Beauty.
Queen Cat.
Puss in Boots.
Walt Disney’s Stories.
The Hying Car.
The Toy Soldiers.
Toby Tyler.
Reference grammar.
Vocabulary and How to Use it.
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