Key for Schools Result, Workbook Resource Pack with Key, Quintana J., 2013

Key for Schools Result, Workbook Resource Pack with Key, Quintana J., 2013.

  Кeу for Schools Result inspires students to better results.
With its contemporary design and up-to-date material, plus interactive multi-media support for students and teachers, Key for Schools Result is the complete preparation pack for the exam.
Workbook Resource Pack includes:
- Further practice of key skills areas.

Key for Schools Result, Workbook Resource Pack with Key, Quintana J., 2013

Joe Slade: forest firefighter.
Joe Slade has an important and dangerous job. He's a helicopter pilot and he fights fire in different parts of Canada. Joe only works at the time of year when there are

frequent fires. In Canada this is from May to September. The bad thing is that Joes away from home and his family for most of that time. When he's working, Joe must be ready at any time to get into his helicopter and go to a fire. His job includes transporting firefighters to and from fires, and carrying important equipment.

He also inspects and looks after his helicopter to make sure it is safe. So how do you become a helicopter pilot? Joe has a flying qualification. He is also very fit and in good health and he has a medical certificate to say this. Before he got his job as a firefighter, he had more than 1,000 hours of flying experience. Joe also has an excellent knowledge of the local area, which helps him a lot.

Family and friends.
How do you get to school?
What would you like?
Somewhere to live.
My favourite animal.
Free time.
In the countryside.
What do you want to be?.
Going away Let's go out!.
Different languages.
How do you feel?.
The modem world.
What are you reading?.

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