Objective First, Workbook with answers, Capel A., Sharp W., 2014

Objective First, Workbook with answers, Capel A., Sharp W., 2014.

  Objective First Fourth Edition is official preparation for the revised Cambridge English: First exam, also known as First Certificate in English (FCE). It has been fully updated in line with the revised exam.
The Workbook with answers with Audio CD provides opportunities for further practice of new language and skills either at home or in the classroom. It includes an exam-style listening exercise every other unit.

Objective First, Workbook with answers, Capel A., Sharp W., 2014

The dance classes are being paid for by
A the participants themselves.
В a variety of public bodies.
C family health centres.
D local sports centres.

What does Simon say about the dance classes in the second paragraph?
A Some are more popular than others.
В They are the quickest way to make friends.
C They are a very sociable way to exercise.
D There is no limit to the number you can take.

Steve Johnson believes that dance
A is suitable for the less active type of child.
В has grown in popularity in less academic schools.
C can be taught by ordinary school teachers.
D helps children who have low self-esteem.

Unit 1.
Fashion matters.
Unit 2.
The virtual world.
Unit 3.
Going places.
Unit 4.
Unit 5.
Mixed emotions.
Unite 6.
What if?.
Unit 7.
Life's too short.
Unite 8.
Growing up.
Unit 9.
The hard sell.
Unit 10.
The final frontier.
Unit 11.
Like mother, like daughter.
Unit 12.
A great idea.
Unit 13.
Education for life.
Unit 14.
Career moves.
Unit 15.
Too many people?
Unit 16.
Eat to live.
Unit 17.
Collectors and creators.
Unit 18.
What's in a book?
Unit 19.
An apple a day.
Unit 20.
No place to hide.
Unit 21.
Urban decay, suburban hell.
Unit 22.
A world of music.
Unit 23.
Unexpected events.
Unit 24.
Anything for a laugh.
Answers and recording scripts.

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