Английский язык, Бизнес и путешествия, Трибунская С.А., 2014

Английский язык, Бизнес и путешествия, Трибунская С.А., 2014.

Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1-2 курсов Финансового университета, изучающих дисциплину «Иностранный язык». Пособие состоит из 15 глав, нескольких тестов, тем эссе, словаря, общей информации о 68 странах, сравнений Американского и Британского английского. Цель предлагаемого пособия - развить такие виды речевой деятельности студента, как чтение, говорение и письмо, а также стимулировать интерес к изучаемому предмету. На основе оригинальных текстов учащиеся приобретают возможность освоить широкий спектр деловой лексики, развить личный творческий потенциал, ознакомиться с терминологией, используемой деловыми людьми во время путешествий. Публикуется в авторской редакции.

Английский язык, Бизнес и путешествия, Трибунская С.А., 2014

If you think that not taking your annual leave makes you more productive, you are wrong. If you are tied to the desk it can damage your health and relationships and it can cost your company money. The research from the Institute of Management shows that a quarter of Britain's managers don't take their annual leave and the other quarter keeps in touch with their office by e-mail or mobile phone. These people think that an interrupted holiday is part of their job. Many managers are sure they are indispensable and the office will collapse if they leave it for two weeks. More than 40 per cent of UK managers work 50 hours every week and it destroys their health, productivity and relations with the family.

The employers should understand that if their staff are unhappy, stressed and exhausted, they are not going to perform at their best and the business will suffer. While you need a break from the office, people at your work also need time away from you. We spend about a third of our lives with our colleagues - people we would not necessarily choose to be with - so it's good to have a break.
At the same time if you spend your holidays on a crowded beach with a permanent hangover aggravated by a scorching sun and screaming children, the idea of being in a quiet, air-conditioned office wrestling with month-end reports somehow seems more appealing.
Some people eat badly and booze on the holidays. They are surrounded by treats, sweets and alcohol. And the holiday only aggravates their health. So, going to have a rest you shouldn't leave your desk in a mess with work undone, otherwise you will spend a lot of time worrying about everything. Then plan your holiday in advance and prepare to have the healthy rest. Pack the suitcase, grab the family and enjoy your holiday.

Part I. Units & Topics
Work hard, travel easy
Unit 1. Travel and tourism industry
•Background information about tourism industry
•Statistics about tourism all around the world
•Positive and negative impacts of tourism
Unit 2. Jobs in the hospitality industry
•The jobs and their description in the hospitality industry
•Responsibilities of travel agents, administrative managers,
•meeting planners, tour operators, representatives of the companies
Unit 3. Formalities for trips
•Foreign passports and visa applications
•Background information about visas
•Countries without visa waiver scheme for Russian citizens
•Schengen convention
Unit 4. Airport
•The best airports in the world
•Types of air tickets
Unit 5. Welcome aboard
•Background information about airport formalities
•Lost luggage
Unit 6. Hotels
•Star rating of hotels
•Hotels in Russia
•Hostel as a luxurious type of accommodation
•Hotel chains
•Meaning of hotels
Unit 7. Hotel rooms and facilities
•Accommodation in New York
•Types of rooms
•Timeshare packages
•What is luxury
•Conference facilities
Unit 8. Dealing with clients
•Types of travelers
•Travelers as clients according to their reasons for travel
•Choice of tourists
•Feedback with clients
Unit 9. Business lunch
•Cooking and different cuisines. Their value for tourism services
•Business lunch in different countries
•Small talk as an important part of any business lunch
•Common mistakes at business lunch
Unit 10. Money
•Euro and dollar
•Tangible money
•Credit cards
•Background information about traveler's checks
Unit 11. Telephone
Making a telephone call Telephone etiquette
Unit 12. Cultural stereotypes
•Learning English
•Cultural stereotypes
•American people
•Peculiar words and expressions describing people of some countries
Unit 13. Car Rental
•Car rental abroad
•Hertz worldwide
Unit 14. Taxes
•Types of taxes
•Tax refund for tourists
•Taxes in the hospitality business
Unit 15. Destinations
•Information about the best and the most interesting places of the world
•Top five of 5 cities
•Presenting Moscow to a foreign guest
Part II. Tasks, Texts, Index & Answer key
Answer key.

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