Английский с улыбкой, Охотничьи рассказы, Гилберт Кит Честертон, 2017

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Английский с улыбкой, Охотничьи рассказы, Гилберт Кит Честертон, 2017.
   Перед вами ещё один сборник рассказов от автора историй об отце Брауне. Увлекательность и неожиданная развязка сочетаются в них с трогательным вниманием к развитию любовного чувства. Это рассказы о том, как ради любви люди совершают невозможное. Написаны они были в начале XX века, однако проблемы, которые в них затрагиваются (включая экологию), по прежнему актуальны.
Для удобства читателя текст сопровождается комментариями и кратким словарем.
Издание предназначается для продолжающих изучать английский язык (уровень 3 – Intermediate).

Английский с улыбкой, Охотничьи рассказы, Гилберт Кит Честертон, 2017

The unpresentable appearance of colonel crane.
The first story begins on a straight road of bright houses in a suburb of a big city. The time was about twenty minutes to eleven on Sunday morning, when a procession of suburban families in Sunday clothes were going up the road to church. And the man was a very respectable retired military man named Colonel Crane, who was also going to church, as he had done every Sunday at the same hour for many years. He was dressed very elegantly for church as if for parade; but his clothes did not stand out in any way. He was quite handsome in a dry, sun baked style; but his blond hair was of a colourless sort, and though his blue eyes were clear, they looked out a little heavily under lowered eyelids.

Colonel Crane belonged to the previous age in the history of England. He was not really old, indeed he was hardly middle aged, and had received his last medals for the Great War . But for a number of reasons he still belonged to the traditional type of the old professional soldiers, the way it had existed before 1914. Each church in those times had only one colonel as it had only one priest. It would be quite unjust to call him an old ruin; indeed, it would be much better to call him a bastion. Because he had remained in the traditions as firmly and patiently as he had stood under enemy fire. He was simply a man who had no taste for changing his habits, and had never worried about conventions enough to change them. One of his excellent habits was to go to church at eleven o’clock, so he went there every Sunday. And he did not know that there went with him something from an old world atmosphere and a paragraph in the history of England.

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