Calculus. A Complete Course, Adams R.A., Essex C., 2009

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Название: Calculus.  A Complete Course.

Автор: Adams R.A., Essex C.

   For the three-semester calculus course. Proven in North America and abroad, this classic text has earned a reputation for excellent accuracy and mathematical rigour. Previous editions have been praised for providing complete and precise statements of theorems, using geometric reasoning in applied problems, and for offering a range of applications across the sciences. Written in a clear, coherent, and readable form, Calculus: A Complete Course makes student comprehension a clear priority. This seventh edition features a new co-author, Dr. Christopher Essex, who has been invited to contribute his unique style and approach to the subject material. Instructors and students will appreciate revised exercises, greater emphasis on differential equations, new pedagogical features, and an enhanced MyLab.

Calculus.  A Complete Course. Adams R.A., Essex C. 2009

   Calculus is in many respects a classical subject. It is younger than Euclidean geometry, of course, but it is much older than the memories of anyone alive, or the memories of people remembered by those alive for that matter. It is very much a centerpiece of the human legacy, with a cultural significance that transcends borders. It is taught in every institution of higher learning in the world, because it is essential to basic human thought in engineering, science, and many social sciences.
But if it is so universal and timeless, why do we not just reprint old textbooks from, say, the nineteenth century? More specifically, why is there a seventh edition of this book? Why couldn't the second or fifth editions, say, do as well? The mathematics is the same isn't it?
Of course it is. If your great great grandparents had studied calculus in their time, there would be much that they would recognize in our modern texts. However, outside of the mathematics, there would be much that would seem strange to them too. The textbooks have grown larger, with many more examples, applications, and exercises. Colorful ink and elaborate diagrams burst from the pages. There are associated resource books, with worked solutions, and online resources aimed at giving the beginning student every edge in learning this venerable and important material.
The mathematics is the same, but the audience is not. The context gradually changes from generation to generation. In addition to pedagogical improvements, new editions implicitly or explicitly aim to reflect such gradual audience changes. One unprecedented change began to take place more than a decade ago—a mere wink of the eye in the history of calculus. Computer code began to appear in textbooks to respond to the growing awareness, access, and dependence of the audience on computers.

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