Цель пособия — помочь студенту овладеть способами и средствами перевода русских фразеологизмов на английский язык, научить его анализировать процесс перевода в его динамике, преодолевать переводческие проблемы и профессионально разбираться в них, достигать адекватности перевода, учитывая эмоциональную окраску текста. В пособии анализируются трудные для перевода русские фразеологизмы, активизируются наиболее часто встречающиеся в печати русские фразеологизмы и их эквиваленты, предлагается система упражнений на практическое овладение переводом фразеологизмов.
Предназначено для студентов старших курсов переводческих факультетов институтов иностранных языков, а также аспирантов и переводчиков.

An idiomatic phrase can be recognized through the ever existing conflict between the literal meaning of a set-phrase's components and the contradicting contextual elements. A free word-combination would never conflict in this manner.
The presence of such a conflict in a text is a signal for the translator and an indication saying 'You have met an idiom.
Well, suppose we come across the sentence "Мои научные оппоненты сложили оружие" which means 'My scientific opponents have laid down their arms.' Here, the contradicting contextual element is "оппоненты" ('opponents') who, as we know, do not normally use, in scientific argument, rifles, revolvers, hand-granadcs and other light weapons. So, we see here an evident logical conflict between the literal meaning of the idiom's components (which is 'to pile up one's arms') and the contradicting contextual element 'opponents'.
Chapter 1.
The starting mission is recognition. Translation begins where dictionaries end. Avoiding descriptive translation.
Chapter 2.
Relations in pairs of statements. Translating phrases' functions. Dot-the-i's tendency. Synonymous statements and emphasis.
Chapter 3.
Indices for interpretation: meaning and usage. Image as selected designation. Beware translating designations.
Chapter 4.
Emotive-and-evaluating content of the information. Theory points in brief. Phrase and context signs' combinations. Text unit overtones as an index for interpretation. Expressive-and-emotive and only expressive phrases. Approach to dual (only expressive) phrases. Negative exaggeration.
Chapter 5.
Four undesirable connotations. The case of 'a black sheep', 'a black dog' and 'a leopard'. Desirable or undesirable? Restoration before translation.
Chapter 6.
Sarcasm: indications, conditions. Means of conveying sarcasm. Irony: manifestations, conditions. Means of proper divergency. Principle of transformation. Play on components and idiomatic background. The case of a 'byword', a 'town talk' and 'notorious' things.
Chapter 7.
Additions: internal and external. Adverbial modifiers as additions. Phraseological level and allusions. Attributive additions: specifying and intensifying. Greater intensification. Word-combinations as additions. Utilization of abilities. Weakening and litotes. Possessive pronouns. Puns. Types and aims of innovation.
Chapter 8.
Proverbs figurativenessand its means: rhyme, structures, phrases, colloquialisms, rhythm, transpositions, metaphorical explanation. Translating epigrams. Classification. Translating by English and translators equivalents. Innovation as means of adequacy. Complex utilizing. Some epigrams. Innovation: lexical and grammatical, complicated. Two-part proverbs.
Bibliography References.
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