Перевод русских фразеологизмов на английский язык, Кузьмин С.С., 1977

Перевод русских фразеологизмов на английский язык, Кузьмин С.С., 1977.

   Цель пособия — помочь студенту овладеть способами и средствами перевода русских фразеологизмов на английский язык, научить его анализировать процесс перевода в его динамике, преодолевать переводческие проблемы и профессионально разбираться в них, достигать адекватности перевода, учитывая эмоциональную окраску текста, В пособии анализируются трудные для перевода русские фразеологизмы, активизируются наиболее часто встречающиеся в печати русские фразеологизмы и их эквиваленты, предлагается система упражнений на практическое овладение переводом фразеологизмов.
Предназначено для студентов старших курсов переводческих факультетов институтов иностранных языков, а также аспирантов и переводчиков.

Перевод русских фразеологизмов на английский язык, Кузьмин С.С., 1977

As you know, proverbs may be innovated grammatically, that is, morphologically (e.g., “Чует кошка, чье мясо съела” - “Чуяла кошка, чье мясо съела”— in Task 36) and syntactically (e.g., “Плетью обуха не перешибешь” - “Разве перешибешь плетью обух?” — in Task 36). They may also be innovated lexically (e.g., “Sleep brings council” “Morning brings council”). And you have considered (in Chapter 7) the ways and means of translating and using such kinds of innovation.

The point, however, is that proverbs differ from phrases by idiomatic quality. For instance, Russian proverbs are less afraid of innovation than Russian phrases. Russian proverbs, thus, stand closer to English proverbs and phrases: (a) their word order is considerably more fixed and, therefore, (b) a single innovation of a proverb often happens to be nоt enоugh for achieving the desired stylistic effect. And this is probably why we find that proverbs have a tendency of undergoing both lexical and grammatical innovation (what would be more correct to call lexical-and-grammatical innovation).

Chapter 1.
The starting mission is recognition. Translation begins where dictionaries end. Avoiding descriptive translation.
Chapter 2.
Relations in pairs of statements. translating phrases' functions. Dot-the-i‘s tendency. Synonymous statements and emphasis.
Chapter 3.
Indices for interpretation: meaning and usage: Iinage as select‘ed‘desiénatior‘t. Beware translating designations.
Chapter 4.
Emotive-anti-evaluating content of the information. Theory points in brief. Phrase and context signs’ combinations. Text unit overtones as an index for interpretation. Expressive—and-emotive and onty expressive phrases. Approach to dual {only expressive) phrases. Negative exaggeration.
Chapter 5.
Four undesirable connotations. The case of 'a black sheep', ‘a black dog' and 'a leopard'. Desirabie or undesirable? Restoration before translation.
Chapter 6.
Sarcasm: indications, conditions. Means oi conveying sarcasm. irony: manifestations, conditions. Means of proper divergency. Principle of transformation. Play on components and idiomatic background. The case of a ‘byword’, a ‘town talk' and ‘notorious‘ things.
Chapter 7.
Additions: internal and externai. Adverbial modifiers as additions. Phraseological level and aliusions. Attributive additions: specifying and intensifying. Greater intensification. Word-combinations as additions. Utilization of abilities. Weakening and iitotes. Possessive pronouns. Pans. Types and aims of innovation.
Chapter 8.
Proverbs'figurativenessand its means: rhyme, structures, phrases. colloquialisms, rhythm, transpositions, metaphorical explanation. Translating epigrarns. Classification. Translating by English and translators’ eqnivalents. innovation as means of adequacy. Complex utilizing. Some epigrarns. innovation: lexical and grammatical, complicated. Two-part proverbs.
Bibliography References.

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