B1 Preliminary 1, With Answers, Authentic Practice Tests, 2019

B1 Preliminary 1, With Answers, Authentic Practice Tests, 2019.

   This collection of four complete practice tests contains papers from the Cambridge English Qualifications B1 Preliminary for Schools examination. Students can practise these tests on their own or with the help of a teacher.
The B1 Preliminary for Schools examination is part of a series of Cambridge English Qualifications for general and higher education. This series consists of five qualifications that have similar characteristics but are designed for different levels of English language ability. The B1 Preliminary for Schools certificate is recognised around the world as proof of intermediate level English skills for industrial, administrative and service-based employment. It is also accepted by a wide range of educational institutions for study purposes.

B1 Preliminary 1, With Answers, Authentic Practice Tests, 2019

Basketball player.
My dad was a professional basketball player in Germany, as his father had been before him, and I went to watch many of his games when I was a kid. You might think that seeing so many matches would give me a love of the sport, but it actually had the opposite effect. I loved telling my friends how good my dad was, of course, especially when he won a game, but I used to take a book with me to read instead of watching.

Starting secondary school, I was still two years away from being a teenager but was already two metres tall. Seeing my height, my sports teacher asked if I’d be interested in training with the basketball team. Even though I enjoyed the session, I thought I’d need to develop my skills before I took part in a real match, but the teacher had more confidence in me than I did. It took me a while to agree, but a few weeks later I found myself playing against a team from another school. Mum and Dad coming to watch didn’t really help - it made me more nervous. But it was OK in the end!

Speaking: an overview for candidates.
Test 1.
Test 2.
Test 3.
Test 4.
Speaking tests.
Answer keys and transcripts.
Sample answer sheets.
Visual materials for the Speaking test.

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