Headway 5th Edition Intermediate, Workbook with key, Soars J., Soars L., Hancock P., 2019

Headway 5th Edition Intermediate, Workbook with key, Soars J., Soars L., Hancock P., 2019.

Headway 5th Edition A six-level course for Adult and Young adult learners Trusted worldwide. Inspired by you. Building on proven methodology and a trusted syllabus, the 5th Edition of the popular Headway series has been updated to remain relevant to today’s English learners. With new texts, topics and digital resources, this edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students’ needs. 90% of teachers, who responded to the Headway Oxford Impact study, believe Headway has helped their students progress to the next level of study.* Its balanced methodology of vocabulary, grammar and integrated skills provides the right level of challenge for students.

Headway 5th Edition Intermediate, Workbook with key, Soars J., Soars L., Hancock P., 2019

My Working Life
I have a small corner shop on rhc outskirts of Birmingham. I run it with my wife Farida. Wc don't have any days off, our whole life is controlled by the shop. The shop opens everyday at 6 a.m. and doesn't close until 11 p.m. We sell everything - from biscuits to batteries, light bulbs to lemonade. Our shelves are always stocked right up to the ceiling. People need shops like ours for all the things they forget to get at the supermarket. Were entering the Best Small Shop in Britain Competition this year, so the shop is being redecorated at the moment - my nephew, Suneet, is doing it for us. Running a shop is hard work, but we love it - we’re serving our community.

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