Flyers 1, Authentic Examination Papers, Students Book, 2017

Flyers 1, Authentic Examination Papers, Students Book, 2017.

   Authentic examination papers for learners preparing for the revised exam from 2018.
This collection of examination papers for Cambridge English: Flyers (YLE Flyers) provides ideal exam practice. It contains three full-colour test papers which contain engaging activities and attractive illustrations to motivate young learners. These papers also provide an excellent opportunity for children, parents and teachers alike to familiarise themselves with the format of the revised test.

Flyers 1, Authentic Examination Papers, Students Book, 2017

What a surprise!
Last October, Fred and his parents decided to go and stay in the mountains for a week. They wanted to go on long walks there, so they put good walking shoes, maps and all the other things they needed in three big blue rucksacks, which they put on their backs. Then, they caught a bus to go to the station.

They were very excited when their train arrived in the mountain village. It was a cold but sunny day. The grass was very green and the mountains looked beautiful.

That night, they ate in the hotel and went to bed early. The next morning Fred woke up, jumped out оf bed and ran to the window. The houses were all white!

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