Flyers 2, Authentic Examination Papers, Students Book, 2018

Flyers 2, Authentic Examination Papers, Students Book, 2018.

   Authentic examination papers for learners preparing for the revised exam from 2018.
This collection of examination papers for Cambridge English: Flyers (YLE Flyers) provides ideal exam practice. It contains three full-colour test papers which contain engaging activities and attractive illustrations to motivate young learners. These papers also provide an excellent opportunity for children, parents and teachers alike to familiarise themselves with the format of the revised test.

Flyers 2, Authentic Examination Papers, Students Book, 2018

Snowboarding lesson.
Before Sophia and Robert had their first snowboarding lesson, Sophia was feeling very worried. She didn’t want to fall over in the snow and be the worst in the class. And she didn’t want Robert to laugh at her. Her brother was clever and did everything better than she did.

There were ten children in the snowboarding class and their teacher’s name was David. Sophia liked him because he was young and very kind. They started their lesson on a small hill, which was fine, but then David took them on the lift to the top of the mountain. All the other children followed David down the mountain but Sophia couldn’t. She was too frightened. The class disappeared and Sophia was alone.

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