Choices, Elementary, Teachers Book, Szlachta E., 2013.
Choices is a five-level course for secondary students, taking learners from Elementary to Advanced level. Choices Elementary offers eighty lessons of core material but because of the in built flexibility of the course, this could be extended considerably.

What place in your area can you call 'your second home'?
The South Bank is one of the busiest places in London. It has got museums and theatres but it also has the oldest and the most famous skate park in London, with lots of concrete steps and artistic graffiti.
There are always a lot of people here - tourists and Londoners come to watch. The skaters here can do the most difficult skating tricks. But the skate park welcomes even the least experienced skaters.
Students' Book Contents.
Teacher's Notes Get Ready.
Module Module 1: Lifestyles.
Module 2: At Home.
Module 3: Downtown.
Module 4: Memories.
Module 5: Fitness.
Module 6: Age.
Module 7: Cinema.
Module 8: Food and Drink.
Module 9: Countries.
Module 10: Gadgets.
Irregular Verbs.
Culture Choice.
ГИА Skills Builders.
Pairwork, Scores and Results.
Word List.
Language Choice.
Students' Book Audioscript.
Workbook Audioscript.
Workbook Answer Key.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Szlachta
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- Cutting Edge, Third Edition, Pre Intermediate, Teachers Book, Greene S., Cunningham S., Moor P., 2013
- Cutting Edge, Third Edition, Intermediate, Teachers Book, Williams D., Cunningham S., Moor P., 2013
- Cutting Edge, Third Edition, Upper Intermediate, Teachers Book, Williams D., Cunningham S., Moor P., 2013
- Cutting Edge Advanced, New Edition, Teachers Book, Cunningham S., Moor P., Bygrave J., 2014
- Choices, Pre-Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012
- Choices Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012
- Choices Upper-Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2013
- American English File, Starter, Teacher’s Book, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., 2013