Cutting Edge, Third Edition, Intermediate, Teachers Book, Williams D., Cunningham S., Moor P., 2013.
Cutting Edqe Third Edition builds on the distinctive task-based approach that has made this course so popular. Engaging texts, new video content and a comprehensive digital package are just some of the features that make this fully revised edition even more effective.

Tell the class about a book or film that you have enjoyed recently and encourage them to ask you follow-up questions to find out more information. Students work in groups to tell each other about a book or film they have enjoyed recently. In feedback, nominate a student from each group to share their ideas with the class.
Co through the types of story with the class and check understanding. Students think of examples in groups. Emphasise that they can think of examples from real life (e.g. the news) as well as books and films.
Students work individually, then compare answers in the same groups as exercise 1a. Check answers with the class.
Students' Book contents.
Message from the authors.
Overview of components.
The Students' Book.
The support components.
Course rationale.
Teaching tips.
Teacher's notes.
Units 1-12.
Extra Resources.
Class audio scripts.
Video scripts.
Photocopiable worksheets with instructions.
Photocopiable worksheets index.
Progress tests.
Mid-course test.
End of course test.
Test audio.
Test audio script.
Downloadable test audio.
Test answer key.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Williams :: Cunningham :: Moor
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- Cambridge English Empower, B2, Upper Intermediate, Teachers Book, Edwards L., Gairns R., Redman S., 2015
- Cutting Edge, Third Edition, Starter, Teachers Book, Greene S., Cunningham S., Moor P., Crace A., 2014
- Cutting Edge, Third Edition, Elementary, Teachers Book, Greene S., Cunningham S., Moor P., 2013
- Cutting Edge, Third Edition, Pre Intermediate, Teachers Book, Greene S., Cunningham S., Moor P., 2013
- Cutting Edge Advanced, New Edition, Teachers Book, Cunningham S., Moor P., Bygrave J., 2014
- Choices, Elementary, Teachers Book, Szlachta E., 2013
- Choices, Pre-Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012
- Choices Intermediate, Teachers Book, 2012