Теоретическая фонетика английского языка, Камышева О.С., 2022

Теоретическая фонетика английского языка, Камышева О.С., 2022.

   Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов третьего курса, изучающих английский язык в качестве первого иностранного языка. Пособие обеспечивает планомерное руководство аудиторной деятельностью студентов, позволяет ознакомить студентов с теоретическими основами фонетики английского языка и установить взаимосвязи новых теоретических знаний с практическими умениями.

Теоретическая фонетика английского языка, Камышева О.С., 2022

Theories of Syllable Formation and Division in English.
Speech continuum can be broken into syllables - minimal pronounceable units presenting a cluster or group of sounds. Syllables form language units of greater magnitude: morphemes, words and phrases, each of them characterized by a certain syllabic structure. Thus any meaningful language unit may be considered from the point of view of two aspects: syllable formation and syllable division, which form a dialectal unity.

The syllable is a rather complicated phenomenon and, like a phoneme, it can be studied on four levels: articulatory, acoustic, auditory and functional. Its complex character gave rise to many theories in foreign and home linguistics.

The articulatory study of the syllable was presented in the expiratory theory (chest pulse theory, pressure theory) based by R.H. Stetson. According to it, speech is a pulsating expiratory process and every syllable corresponds to a single expiration. So the number of syllables in an utterance should be determined by the number of expirations made in its production. But the validity of the theory is fairly doubtful. It was strongly criticized by Russian and foreign linguists, because the number of syllables in a word and even the number of words in a phrase can be pronounced with a single expiration.

1.1. The Subject Matter of Phonetics.
1.2. Sound Modifications.
1.3. Intonation.
1.4. Accentual Structure.
1.5. English Pronunciation Standard.
2.1. The Subject Matter of Phonetics. Sound Modifications.
2.2. Intonation. Accentual Structure.
2.3. Standard English Pronunciation.
2.4. Final Test on Theoretical Phonetics.
3.1. The Peculiarities of the Articulation Bases of English and Russian Sounds.
3.2. The Phoneme Theory.
3.3. Phonological Problems.
3.4. Speech Sounds.
3.5. Syllabic Structure in English.
4.1. List of the Topics for the Credit Test.
4.2. Step-by-step Phonetic Analysis.
4.3. Poems for Phonetic Analysis.

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