Practical Dhivehi, Zuhair M., 1991

Practical Dhivehi, Zuhair M., 1991.

PRACTICAL DHIVEHI, a guide to learn DHIVEHI, written with an especially chosen collection of words and numerous useful phrases designed to get your thoughts across in the simplest way possible. Learn DHIVEHI at your leisure. PRACTICAL DHIVEHI is your guide to everyday life in the Maldives.

Practical Dhivehi, Zuhair M., 1991

DHIVEHI, the language of the Maldives evolved ftom a mixture of Asian languages - mainly Sanskrit,Pashto and Persian. It is closely related to an early form of Sinhala and shows Dravidian, Hindi, Malay, Malagasy, East African and Arabic influence. The language has also absorbed a few words from English.

PART ONE. Words.
PART TWO. Simple phrases and sentences.

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