Routledge English Language Introductions cover core areas of language study and are one-stop resources for students.
Assuming no prior knowledge, books in the series offer an accessible overview of the subject, with activities, study questions, sample analyses, commentaries and key readings – all in the same volume. The innovative and flexible ‘two-dimensional’ structure is built around four sections – introduction, development, exploration and extension – which offer self-contained stages for study. Each topic can also be read across these sections, enabling the reader to build gradually on the knowledge gained.

Finite forms vs non-finite forms.
We make one basic distinction between verb forms: between ‘finite’ (or ‘tensed’) forms and ‘non-finite’ (or ‘non-tensed’) forms. The three finite forms are the present, third person singular -s and past tense forms; they are the ones to do with tense.
The three non-finite forms are the infinitive, and -ing and -ed participles. (There are four if we distinguish the bare infinitive from the to infinitive, e.g. love and to love.) The reason for distinguishing them is that non-finite forms cannot make a verb phrase on their own (see A6); they are ‘unfinished’ and need a finite form to complete them. Finite (complete) forms, by contrast, may stand on their own. Since tense is an obligatory choice in English, all verb phrases must be either present or past.
How to use this book.
Contents cross-referenced.
Figures and tables.
A1 Approaches to grammar.
A2 Nouns.
A3 Noun phrases and determiners.
A4 Adjectives, adverbs and prepositions.
A5 Verbs and their forms.
A6 Auxiliaries and the verb phrase.
А7 Varying the verb phrase.
A8 Clauses and clause elements.
A9 Ty pes of sentence.
A10 Subordinate clauses.
All Redesigning sentences.
A12 Grammar in speech and writing.
Bl Word classes.
B2 Pronouns.
В3 Articles.
В4 Types of adverb.
B5 The meanings of tense and aspect.
B6 Modal auxiliaries.
В7 Multi-word verbs.
B8 Verb patterns.
B9 Clause types.
B10 Relative clauses.
В11 Beyond and beneath the sentence.
B12 Reporting.
Cl Words with multiple word-class membership.
C2 Nouns which can be both count and noncount.
C3 Usage problems with determiners.
C4 The comparison of adjectives.
C5 Distinguishing -ing and -ed forms.
С6 Verbs which can be transitive and intransitive.
C7 Ergativity.
C8 Analysing clauses.
C9 Exploring texts (1).
C10 Exploring texts (2).
C11 Exploring texts (3): putting it all together.
C12 Analysing spoken texts.
D1 What is grammar?.
D2 Count and mass nouns.
D3 Determiners: a class apart.
D4 Prepositions and space.
D5 Expressing future time.
D6 Hedging and boosting.
D7 Words and phrases.
D8 Semantic roles of the subject.
D9 Speech acts.
D10 Conditionals.
D11 Subject, actor, theme.
D12 Grammar in the construction of online discussion messages.
Sources of texts used.
Index of terms and concepts.
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