Практикум по лексикологии английского языка, Кушнерук С.Л., 2008

Практикум по лексикологии английского языка, Кушнерук С.Л., 2008.

   «Практикум по лексикологии английского языка» отражает тематику курса практических занятий, предусмотренных учебно-методическим комплексом направления подготовки дипломированного специалиста 620100 «Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация», и содержит материалы по важнейшим проблемам лексикологии. Пособие призвано помочь студентам в практическом овладении основами частной лингвистической дисциплины.
Пособие охватывает следующие разделы науки о словарном составе английского языка - этимология, морфология, словообразование, семасиология, фразеология, лексикография и др.

Практикум по лексикологии английского языка, Кушнерук С.Л., 2008

Read The following passage and give your own examples of free and bound morphemes.
We may perhaps start with an attempt to define components of our words, separating them into free forms, which may occur in isolation, and bound forms, which never occur alone. For example, blackberry consists of two free forms compounded, as both black and berry are found in isolation. If we examine raspberry we may at first think it is the same type for we undoubtedly do have a word rasp, but although the forms are identical phonetically they are not identical in meaning, and rasp, in the sense in which it is used in raspberry, is not found in isolation, except in the shortened form of raspberry, for rasp is often used colloquially for both the bush and the fruit. In the case of bilberry we are on even safer ground, for the element bil - is not found in isolation in English, and is therefore quite definitely a bound form (J. A. Sheard.)

Topic 1. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics. General characteristics of the English vocabulary.
Topic 2. Etymology of the English Word-stock.
Topic 3. Morphological structure of English words.
Topic 4. Word-formation.
Topic 5. Semantic structure of English words.
Topic 6. Semantic change.
Topic 7. Synonymy.
Topic 8. Antonymy.
Topic 9. Homonymy.
Topic 10. Phraseology.
Topic 11. Regional varieties of the English language.
Topic 12. Lexicography.
Latin affixes.
Greek affixes.
French affixes.
Native English affixes.
English and Russian words similar in form but different in meaning.
Etymological doublets.
English derivational prefixes.
English derivational suffixes.
Combining forms in English compound words.
Hybrid words in English.
Productive affixes in modern English.
Non-productive affixes in modern English.
Some common euphemisms.
Some common dysphemisms.
Some Scottish English words.
Cockney rhyming slang phrases and their meanings.

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