Английский язык, 9 класс, Пигмалион, Книга для чтения, Шоу Б., 2017

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Английский язык, 9 класс, Пигмалион, Книга для чтения, Шоу Б., 2017.

   Книга для чтения «Пигмалион» является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для 9 класса общеобразовательных организаций серии «Английский в фокусе». Книга для чтения состоит из двух частей. Первая часть - адаптация известной пьесы Б. Шоу. Вторая часть содержит задания и упражнения по прочитанному материалу, пьесу на английском языке для постановки учащимися в школе и словарь.

Английский язык, 9 класс, Пигмалион, Книга для чтения, Шоу Б., 2017

An Interesting Project.
Colonel Pickering stared at the flower girl with interest.
“Higgins, I have an idea!” he said. “You’re the greatest teacher alive. Do you think you can make this girl into a lady in time for the Ambassador’s party? I’ll bet you all the expenses of the experiment you can’t do it, and I’ll pay for the lessons!"

Now, Eliza stared at Colonel Pickering.
“Oh! You’re a real gentleman!” she cried.
The Professor was tempted.
“It’s certainly an interesting experiment! She’s so very common ... so very dirty!”
“Ow! I ain’t dirty!” cried Eliza. “I washed my face and hands before I come, I did!”

Higgins did not seem to hear her. “I shall do it!” he said. “I shall make this awful creature into a lady!”
“Aaaaah-ow!” cried Eliza.

Higgins became excited. “Yes, in just six months, I shall be able to take her anywhere and make people believe she’s a duchess! Take her away and clean her up, Mrs Pearce! Take all her clothes and burn them. Call and order some new ones and wrap her in brown paper until they arrive!”.

The Author - Background - the Plot.
The Characters.
1. Caught in the Rain.
2. An Unexpected Meeting.
3. Eliza Doolittle.
4. An Interesting Project.
5. A Man With No Morals.
6. Eliza's Ambition.
7. Eliza’s First Outing.
8. The New Slang.
9. Who Is Eliza?.
10. A Princess Of Royal Blood.
11. After The Party.
12. The Search For Eliza.
13. A True Lady.
Did you know.?.
Final Comprehension Quiz.
Irregular Verbs & Word List.

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