Английский язык, 9 класс, Пигмалион, Английский в фокусе, Шоу Б., 2011

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Английский язык, 9 класс, Пигмалион, Английский в фокусе, Шоу Б., 2011.

 Книга для чтения «Пигмалион» является составной частью учебно-методического комплекта по английскому языку для 9 класса общеобразовательных учреждений серии «Английский в фокусе». Книга для чтения состоит из двух частей. Первая часть - адаптация известной пьесы Б. Шоу. Вторая часть содержит задания и упражнения по прочитанному материалу, пьесу на английском языке для постановки учащимися в школе и словарь.

Английский язык, 9 класс, Пигмалион, Английский в фокусе, Шоу Б., 2011

An Unexpected Meeting.
Mrs Eynsford-Hill and her daughter walked away from the flower girl, leaving her sitting at the base of one of the church columns. The girl watched as an elderly gentleman rushed out of the rain, closing his wet umbrella and shaking the water from his clothes.

“Be a gentleman, sir, and buy a flower off a poor girl,” said the flower girl.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t any change,” said the gentleman. He felt around in his coat pocket. “No, wait! Here’s three pence. You can have that.”

“You’d better give him a flower for his money,” said a bystander. “There’s a man here writing down every word you’re saying.”

The flower girl jumped up, terrified.
“I ain’t done nothing wrong! All I done is ask the gentleman to buy a flower. Oh, sir, don’t let him charge me!” cried the girl almost hysterically, addressing the gentleman.

“There, there! Who’s hurting you, you silly girl? What do you take me for?” said the note taker coming forward.

“Don’t worry, girl,” said the man trying to help her. “He ain’t a policeman. Are you?”
“Do I look like a policeman?” said the man with the notebook. “Now tell me, young man, how is life in Selsey?”

“How do you know I’m from Selsey?” asked the bystander. “Are you a fortune teller? Do someone else! Where does he come from?” He pointed at the elderly gentleman.
“Cheltenham, Harrow, Cambridge and India,” said the man with the notebook.

The Author - Background - the Plot
The Characters
1 Caught in the Rain
2 An Unexpected Meeting
3 Eliza Doolittle
4 An Interesting Project
5 A Man With No Morals
6 Eliza’s Ambition
7 Eliza’s First Outing
8 The New Slang
9 Who Is Eliza?
10 A Princess Of Royal Blood
11 After The Party
12 The Search For Eliza
13 A True Lady
Did you know?
Final Comprehension Quiz
Irregular Verbs & Word List

Купить книгу Английский язык, 9 класс, Пигмалион, Английский в фокусе, Шоу Б., 2011 .

Купить книгу Английский язык, 9 класс, Пигмалион, Английский в фокусе, Шоу Б., 2011 .
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