IELTS Reading, General Training, Actual Tests with Answers, January-April, 2021

IELTS Reading, General Training, Actual Tests with Answers, January-April, 2021.

   As far as you know, IELTS candidates will have only 60 minutes for this IELTS Reading part with a total of 40 questions. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that you invest time in practicing the real IELTS reading tests for this module.
Beside Cambridge IELTS Practice Tests series published by Oxford University Press, IELTS General Reading Recent Actual Tests with Answers aims to develop both test-taking skills and language proficiency to help you achieve a high IELTS Reading score. It contains IELTS General Reading Tests in the chronological order of the recent tests and an Answer Key. Each test contains three sections which cover a rich variety of topics and give a lots of practice for a wide range of question types used in the IELTS Exam such as multiple choice questions, short-answer questions, sentence completion, summary completion, classification, matching lists / phrases, matching paragraph headings, identification of information -True/False/Not Given, etc. When studying IELTS with this e-book, you can evaluate at the nearest possibility how difficult the IELTS Reading section is in the real exam, and what the top most common traps are. Moreover, these tests are extracted from authentic IELTS bank source; therefore, you are in all probability to take these tests in your real examinations.

IELTS Reading, General Training, Actual Tests with Answers, January-April, 2021

Australia - Domestic Travel.
Have you ever traveled to another part of your country and stayed for a few days? Travel within one's own country is popular throughout the world. According to a survey carried out in Australia in 2002, travelers tend to spend more and more money on their holidays.

The Domestic Tourism Expenditure Survey showed that domestic travelers - those travelling within the country - injected $23 billion into the Australian economy in 2002. As a result, domestic tourism became the mainstay of the industry, accounting for 75 percent of total tourism expenditure in Australia. International tourism, on the other hand, added $7 billion to the economy. Overall, in present dollar terms, Australians spent $7 billion or more on domestic tourism in 2002 than when the first survey of tourist spending was completed in 1991.

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