American English File, Workbook, Level 5, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., Hudson J.

American English File, Workbook, Level 5, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., Hudson J.

Фрагмент из книги:
It was at the tender age of seven that Christian Arno, British entrepreneur and founder of the online translation service, put his first plan for making money into practice. His scheme was to buy penny candies and resell them to his classmates for two cents a piece. However, the venture came to an abrupt end when one of the mothers found out about it and deemed it "inappropriate." Arno had to shut down immediately.

American English File, Workbook, Level 5, Latham-Koenig C., Oxenden C., Hudson J.

Researching Famous Family Roots.
The PBS Public Television show Finding your Roots uncovers the family histories of celebrities. In one episode, actor Robert Downey Jr. discovers more about his ancestors.

When the show’s producer first approached Robert, the actor told them that he only wanted to be involved if they could trace his family tree back to the 1500s. “No one had ever challenged us in this way,” Producer Kate Fulton wrote on the show's blog. Amazingly, the show succeeded in tracing Robert’s lineage back to his 16th great-grandmother in the 1300s.

A What motivates you?.
B Who ami?.
A Whose language is it?.
B Once upon a time.
A Don’t get mad, get even!.
B History goes to the movies.
COLLOQUIAL ENGLISH Fact or fiction?.
A Breaking the silence.
B Lost in translation.
A Are there 31 hours in a day?.
B Do you have Affluenza?.

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