Keynote Proficient, Workbook, Hird J., Dummett P., Harrison M., 2016

Keynote Proficient, Workbook, Hird J., Dummett P., Harrison M., 2016.

   Featuring remarkable people communicating passionately and persuasively, TED Talks provide the ELT classroom with inspiring ideas and an unparalleled source of authentic language input. Keynote invites students to explore these life-changing stories and develop a deeper understanding of our world. Underpinned by a carefully designed language syllabus, Keynote enables students to express themselves powerfully and proficiently in English - in their professional and personal lives.

Keynote Proficient, Workbook, Hird J., Dummett P., Harrison M., 2016

The museum of failed ideas.
The NewProductWorks collection, better known by its nickname of ‘The Museum of Failed Products', sits in a fairly nondescript building in a business park on the outskirts of Ann Arbor, a medium-sized city in Michigan, USA. The collection began in the New York apartment of marketing professional Robert McMath who, in the 1960s, set about bringing into one place a comprehensive catalogue of every consumable product he could find. The collection soon outgrew his apartment and was bought by global consultants GfK, who moved it to the new premises in Michigan. McMath had no intention of creating a museum of failed products, but since most products do fail, that is what the collection principally became: a reference library of items withdrawn from sale within weeks or months of being launched because no-one wanted them.

The first impression of the museum is that of a giant, badly-organized supermarket with aisle after aisle of food (perishables have been removed) and household items. The difference is that each item is unique and few would now be found in any real supermarket. It’s a graveyard of obsolete consumer goods: Clear Pepsi, Reddi-bacon (bacon that cooks in your toaster), Fortune Snookies (fortune cookies for dogs), A Touch of Yoghurt shampoo. The museum’s proprietor, Carol Sherry, is still collecting and is always on the lookout for new products. The Asian market, which has short product life-cycles and demands novelty, provides a good supply of these. One example she gives is a packet of chewing gum developed in Japan which has a small pocket at one end to put your chewed gum in.

1 Creativity.
2 Hopes and fears.
3 Perception.
4 Human interaction.
5 Economic resources.
6 Practical design.
7 Same but different.
8 Food and sustainability.
9 Internet sensation.
10 The meaning of success.
11 Learning and memory.
12 Invention or innovation.
Answer key.

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