Wider World Starter, Workbook, Vassilatou T., Kilbey L., Bright C., 2018.
Фрагмент из книги:
Hi, I'm Sam. Look at this - it's a cool jacket, but that’s not all. It’s an MP3 player too, with my favourite music. My jacket is green and my sister Anna's is red.

I can understand a text about a hearing dog.
This is twelve-year-old Jasmine. She's with her best friend. Her best friend can't speak to jasmine He can't speak any languages! He isn't a boy and he isn't a girl. He's a special dog and his name is Henry.
Jasmine can't hear. She can't hear her friends, she can't hear music and she can't hear cars. But Jasmine is OK. She's got Henry, and Henry is her ears! Henry is a special 'hearing dog' and he can help Jasmine a lot! He can help her walk to school and the park too.
Unit 0 Get started!.
Unit 1 Family and friends.
Unit 2 My things.
Unit 3 In the house.
Unit 4 About me.
Unit 5 Things I can do.
Unit 6 My day.
Unit 7 Animals.
Unit 8 I like that!.
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Теги: рабочая тетрадь по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Vassilatou :: Kilbey :: Bright
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