Choices, Intermediate, Russian Edition, Харрис М., Сикоржинска А., Вербицкая М., 2012.
Учебное пособие пятиуровневого курса английского языка «Choices» является частью УМК, включающего рабочую тетрадь с CD-диском, онлайновое приложение MyEnglishLab, а также пособие для учителя с мультимедийным приложением на DVD-диске, CD-дисками для работы в классе и приложением для интерактивной доски. Предназначено для обучения в 9 классе общеобразовательных учреждений. Пособие подготовлено к изданию при участии Издательского центра «Вентана-Граф».
Read about people's memories of the mine rescue. What were Elena, Paul and Ricardo doing on the day of the rescue?
I’m a journalist and I was reporting on the situation at the mine. The atmosphere was very tense, but hopeful. People had come from all over the country to witness the rescue. We cheered every miner that was pulled to the surface. But I remember being there on the day the mine had collapsed, too - it had been very different that day, with worried relatives crying, engineers trying to find a way to get the miners out, and ambulance crews waiting. Elena, Argentina.
For 70 days the world sat glued to their TV sets, praying all the miners would survive. The truth is, we hadn’t been very hopeful, but when we saw the last miner emerging, it was an incredible feeling. The man, who was in charge of the miners, had volunteered to be the last one rescued. He had refused to leave until he knew all his men were safe. It was an amazing story of courage and survival.
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