Choices, Elementary, Russian Edition, Харрис М., Сикоржинска А., Вербицкая М., 2013

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Choices, Elementary, Russian Edition, Харрис М., Сикоржинска А., Вербицкая М., 2013.

   Учебное пособие пятиуровневого курса английского языка «Choices» является частью УМК, включающего рабочую тетрадь с CD-диском, онлайновое приложение «MyEnglishLab», а также пособие для учителя с мультимедийным приложением на DVD-диске. CD-дисками для работы в классе и приложением для интерактивной доски. Предназначено для обучения в 5 и 6 классах общеобразовательных учреждений. Пособие подготовлено к изданию при участии Издательского центра «Вентана-Граф».

Choices, Elementary, Russian Edition, Харрис М., Сикоржинска А., Вербицкая М., 2013

Read and listen to Vanessa's description. Find four differences with the photos (a-d).
1 Her scarf is grey and pink.
This is my favourite thing. It’s not expensive but this scarf is special for me. It’s a birthday present from my boyfriend, Tom. Green and grey are my favourite colours. That’s a photo of my grandma and me. It is from my birthday. These are my earrings. I really like earrings! These red earrings here are from our holiday in Greece. They’re beautiful! Those are my posters over there. Those posters are of my favourite singers - Beyonce and Rihanna.

Underline the correct word.
1 Тот/Tom's is my friend. I like Tom/Tom's new mobile but Tom/Tom's favourite thing is his computer. It's great!
2 This is Frances/Frances's dictionary. Frances/Frances's can speak three languages. Frances/Frances's mum is from Spain and her dad is from the USA.
3 My friends/friends' can ski, swim and play tennis. My friends/friends' favourite sport is tennis. Here are two photos of my friends/friends'.

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