Streetwise Russian, Speak and Understand Everyday Russian, Franke J., 2010

Streetwise Russian, Speak and Understand Everyday Russian, Franke J., 2010.

   The principal aim of Streetwise Russian is to provide a glimpse into Russian slang at the dawn of the 21st century. This book is not designed for students who are just beginning their journey into the Russian language and culture, but rather for students who have a good foundation in Russian — normally accomplished in one to two years of formal Russian study. Nevertheless, beginning students with limited Russian proficiency can benefit from the contextual examples, colloquial expressions, and cultural notes in the book.

Streetwise Russian, Speak and Understand Everyday Russian, Franke J., 2010

Cultural Notes: Russian Nicknames.
In language, a diminutive is a shortened form of a word, often conveying smallness, intimacy, or endearment. Russian nicknames — also diminutives — are often simply an abbreviated or shortened form of the full name. As reflected in this book, Russian nicknames are ubiquitous and permeate all classes and registers in the culture. Since many Russian nicknames differ greatly from the full name, these abbreviated forms often pose challenges or confusion for the student. Consequently, it is very important for students to familiarize themselves with high-frequency names and with common suffixes used to create nicknames.

For example, when forming a diminutive for the name Alexander (male) or Alexandra (female), both share the nickname Sasha. When formulating a question or engaged with an interlocutor, it is critical to understand these nicknames for subject-verb agreement, sociocultural competence, and the like.

I. Guy Talk. Peter and Kostya (6 dialogues).
Глава 1.
Мне армию проканать надо.
Guy Talk.
Глава 2.
Не грузи, всем тяжело.
Прикинь — не так уж в армии и стрёмно.
Military Service.
Глава 3.
Давай выпьем за встречу.
А как на личном фронте?.
Кого — нибудь из наших видишь?.
II. Girl Talk. Lyuda and Masha (9 dialogues).
Глава 4.
Вот это встреча!
И за что нам так не фартит?.
Girl Talk.
Глава 5.
Ой, не тяну я на звезду промоута.
Клёво здесь, хай класс.
The New Russians.
Глава 6.
Какими судьбами?.
At the Club.
Глава 7.
Мне здесь прикольно.
Здесь фуфло даже не катит.
In the Groove.
Глава 8.
Это хозяйка, а не хухры-мухры.
Нам здесь не отовариться.
Boutique Shopping.
III. Teenager Talk. Ilya and Michael (9 dialogues).
Глава 9.
Ты из себя лоха не строй!.
Давай базар зафильтруй!.
Don’t Play Dumb.
Глава 10.
А ты лучше вон подругу оцени.
Конкретно свинчивать надо, а куда?.
Hot Bodies.
Глава 11.
Не дрейфь, ребята, прорвёмся!.
Stay Cool.
Answers to Exercises.
Terms Index.
English-Russian Index.
Russian-English Index.

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