Vocabulary in Practice 5 is a book for students who want to practise vocabulary in a fun way. Level 5 has about 600 useful words for intermediate to upper-intermediate students.

At the doctor’s.
Match the underlined words with the definitions below.
I last went to the doctor's before I went to South-east Asia. The doctor gave me a prescription for anti-malaria tablets, but warned me that avoiding mosquito bites was the only really effective form of prevention against malaria. Apparently the infection can take up to one year to develop. If you have any illness or flu-like symptoms, such as a headache, a cough and aching muscles, especially within three months of your return home, you have to see your doctor immediately.
The doctor also told me to make an appointment with the nurse to get a vaccination against typhoid and another against Hepatitis A. I hate the thought of an injection, but 1 had no choice if 1 wanted to travel to Laos and Cambodia. I'd heard of someone who'd felt unwell and had been covered in a red rash. When his condition got worse, he'd had a blood test and this had diagnosed typhoid. Similarly, Hepatitis A is something I'd prefer to avoid. It's caused by a virus found in dirty food or water, and is infectious, so can be caught from other people with the disease.
1 Names.
2 Family.
3 Describing character (1).
4 Describing character (2).
5 Describing appearance.
6 How you feel.
7 Describing things (1).
8 Describing things (2).
9 City life.
10 Housing problems.
11 Modern living.
12 Describing clothes.
13 Fashion.
14 Catalogue and Internet shopping.
15 Eating and health.
16 Money and banking.
17 Free time.
18 Travel.
19 Describing places.
20 Booking a holiday.
21 Inventing things.
22 Advertising.
23 At the doctor's.
24 Crime.
25 Languages.
26 Modern communications.
27 Using the Internet.
28 Personal memories.
29 Notices.
30 Abbreviations.
31 Making countable nouns.
32 Expressions of time.
33 Do and make.
34 Phrasal verbs: studying.
35 Phrasal verbs: socialising.
36 Idioms: hands and feet.
37 Idioms: feeling happy and sad.
38 Similes.
39 Food for thought.
40 Collocations: money and time.
Answer Key.
Word List.
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Теги: учебник по английскому языку :: английский язык :: Driscoll :: Pye
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