Alices adventures in wonderland, A reader for spotlight 6, Carroll L.
All his life, Charles Dodgson loved entertaining children. At the age of 30, he spent a lot of time with the Liddell girls Lorina, Edith and his favourite, Alice. He often photographed them, played ‘nonsense’ games with them, and told them long stones.
On a sunny afternoon in July 1862, Charles Dodgson and a friend took the Liddell girls rowing on the River Thames near Oxford. The children asked Dodgson to tell them a fairy tale, and 10-year-old Alice Liddell said* she hoped the story would have “nonsense” in it. So Dodgson told them an amazing tale, full of nonsense, about a little girl called Alice and her adventures in a magical underground world. Alice liked the story so much that she said, “I wish you would write out Alices adventures for me!”.

The White Rabbit.
Alice was hot, bored and sleepy. She didn’t have anything to do. She sat* by the river, waiting for teatime. Her older sister was also there, reading a book. Alice looked at the book. It was very boring, because there weren’t any pictures in it.
Just then, a white rabbit with pink eyes ran past Alice, and she heard it say, “Oh dear! I’m very late!” The rabbit took a watch out of its waistcoat pocket, looked at it and started to run even faster.
“A rabbit with a waistcoat and a watch!” thought* Alice. “That’s very strange."
She stood* up and followed the rabbit. It ran across a field and went through a little door in a tree. Alice went through the door, too.
The Author, Background, the Plot.
The Characters.
1. The White Rabbit.
2. The Tiny Door.
3. The Pool of Tears.
4. A Strange Race.
5. Alice Grows Again.
6. The Duchess and the Pig.
7. The Mad Tea Party.
8. The Queen of Hearts.
9. The Mock Turtle.
10. The Trial.
Irregular Verbs & Glossary.
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