Vocabulary in Practice 1, Pye G., 2002

Vocabulary in Practice 1, Pye G., 2002.    

A series of handy vocabulary books aimed at busy learners who want to fit in some extra practice outside the classroom. Offering plenty of practice for vocabulary learners, these small and easy-to-carry books are ideal for busy people to use outside the classroom. All the words have been chosen using the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure that students learn the most widely used vocabulary. Includes regular tests and helpful word lists. This is Level 1/Beginner.

Vocabulary in Practice 1, Pye G., 2002

You can do each unit in two ways.
1.Do the unit and check your answers in the Answer Key. Study the Word List and learn the words you got wrong.Then do the exercise again.
2.Study the Word List for the unit.Then do the unit and check your answers.

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