New Total English, Elementary, Teachers Book, 2011.
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Words for family members vary between English-speaking cultures. Grandpa is used extensively in North America and Canada as an informal term for grandfather. The term Grandad would be more common in the UK. Likewise, Grandma is used in familiar contexts in North American English-speaking countries whereas Gran, Granny, Nan or Nan(n)a would be more common terms in the UK. North American English speakers often address their mothers as Mom (or Mommy for very young children) whereas Mum (or Mummy for very young children) is more typical in the UK. Dad is used extensively in both contexts.

Family ties.
Ask all the Ss to stand up. Label the four corners of the room in the following way: oldest child in the family; youngest child in the family; middle child in the family; only child (explain only child, no brothers or sisters). Ask Ss to go to the corner of the room which corresponds to their position in their own family. In the four groups, Ss have to think of one good thing and one bad thing about being in that position in the family. (E.g. youngest child; good: having an older brother or sister to help with a problem; bad: old (hand-me-down) clothes from older brother or sister). Do not worry about Ss making mistakes during this activity. Ss will only be able to express their ideas in very basic language.
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