Target Vocabulary 3, Watcyn-Jones P., 1995

Target Vocabulary 3, Watcyn-Jones P., 1995.

   Target Vocabulary 3 is the third book in a new vocabulary series. It introduces and practises approximately 1,200 new words using a variety of motivating and interesting exercise types. These are organised into areas of vocabulary and include subjects such as health and crime, plus phrasal verbs and idioms. The book has six main sections with short tests at the end of the third and sixth sections. At the back of the book there are answers to the exercises and a list of key words.
Target Vocabulary 3 is yet another excellent study aid from Peter Watcyn-Jones, the author of the bestselling Test Your Vocabulary scries and Vocabulary Games and Activities for Teachers. Students will enjoy using this wide ranging and stimulating material both in the classroom and at home.

Target Vocabulary 3, Watcyn-Jones P., 1995

First aid.
Artificial respiration (The kiss of life).
If an ill or injured person is not breathing, it is sometimes possible to start the breathing again by blowing air from your lungs into his or hers. As the body needs constant oxygen, you must begin artificial respiration (breathing) as soon as you discover that a casualty is not breathing.

Below is a step-to-step guide to how to give an adult artificial respiration. Unfortunately, the sentences are in the wrong order. Put them in the correct order by numbering them 1-10. The first one has been done for you.

Section One: People.
Section Two: Health and illness.
Section Three: Crime and punishment.
Check 1 (based on Sections 1-3).
Section Four: Phrasal verbs.
Section Five: Idioms 1.
Section Six: Idioms 2.
Check 2 (based on Sections 4-6).
Key Words.

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