Learners of English at intermediate or upper-intermediate level who want to write better emails. It can be used by learners studying on their own, or with a teacher.

Formal or informal?
A First, read the information about email writing styles.
It is helpful to think about three writing styles, although in real life the differences are not so clear.
Formal. This is the style of an old-fashioned letter. Ideas are presented politely and carefully, and there is much use of fixed expressions and long words. Grammar and punctuation are important. This style is not so common, but you can find it if the subject matter is serious (for example a complaint), in emails to customers where you want to make a good impression, or in some cultures where a more formal style is expected.
Neutral. This is the most common style in professional/work emails. The writer and reader are both busy, so the language is simple, clear and direct. There is often a friendly opening line. Sentences are short and there is use of contractions (I've for I have etc.).
Informal. This is the style for emails between friends. The email might include personal news, funny comments etc. This style is close to speech, and has informal words and conversational expressions. Many people now choose social media rather than email to communicate with friends: with social media the style is even more informal.
To the student.
To the teacher.
1 Formal or informal?.
2 Key phrases.
3 Opening and closing.
4 Giving news.
5 Advice and suggestions.
6 Invitations and directions.
7 Cheeking understanding.
Language focus.
8 Verb forms.
9 Sentence building.
10 Missing out words; abbreviations.
11 Common mistakes 1.
12 Common mistakes 2.
13 Punctuation and spelling.
14 Being brief and businesslike.
15 Being informal and friendly.
16 Being polite and diplomatic.
17 Information.
18 Action.
19 Memos and short messages.
20 Arranging a meeting.
21 Negotiating with external partners.
22 Commercial: customer/supplier sequence.
23 Commercial: inquiries and orders.
24 Commercial: discussing terms.
25 Commercial; asking for payment.
26 Job application.
27 Complaints.
28 Apologies.
Reports and analysis.
29 Reports: structure and key phrases.
30 Linking words and relative clauses.
31 Describing trends.
32 Explaining trends.
Social media supplement.
Phrase bank.
Answer key.
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